2 - Your data budget

Machine learning with tidymodels

Data on Chicago taxi trips

  • The city of Chicago releases anonymized trip-level data on taxi trips in the city.
  • We pulled a sample of 10,000 rides occurring in early 2022.
  • Type ?modeldatatoo::data_taxi() to learn more about this dataset, including references.

Which of these variables can we use?


taxi <- data_taxi()

#>  [1] "tip"          "id"           "duration"     "distance"     "fare"        
#>  [6] "tolls"        "extras"       "total_cost"   "payment_type" "company"     
#> [11] "local"        "dow"          "month"        "hour"

Checklist for predictors

  • Is it ethical to use this variable? (Or even legal?)

  • Will this variable be available at prediction time?

  • Does this variable contribute to explainability?

Data on Chicago taxi trips

We are using a slightly modified version from the modeldatatoo data.

taxi <- taxi %>%
  mutate(month = factor(month, levels = c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr"))) %>% 
  select(-c(id, duration, fare, tolls, extras, total_cost, payment_type)) %>% 

Data on Chicago taxi trips

  • N = 10,000
  • A nominal outcome, tip, with levels "yes" and "no"
  • 6 other variables
    • company, local, and dow, and month are nominal predictors
    • distance and hours are numeric predictors

Data on Chicago taxi trips

#> # A tibble: 8,807 × 7
#>    tip   distance company      local dow   month  hour
#>    <fct>    <dbl> <fct>        <fct> <fct> <fct> <int>
#>  1 yes       1.24 Sun Taxi     no    Thu   Feb      13
#>  2 no        5.39 Flash Cab    no    Sat   Mar      12
#>  3 yes       3.01 City Service no    Wed   Feb      17
#>  4 no       18.4  Sun Taxi     no    Sat   Apr       6
#>  5 yes       1.76 Sun Taxi     no    Sun   Jan      15
#>  6 yes      13.6  Sun Taxi     no    Mon   Feb      17
#>  7 yes       3.71 City Service no    Mon   Mar      21
#>  8 yes       4.8  other        no    Tue   Mar       9
#>  9 yes      18.0  City Service no    Fri   Jan      19
#> 10 no       17.5  other        yes   Thu   Apr      12
#> # ℹ 8,797 more rows

Data splitting and spending

For machine learning, we typically split data into training and test sets:

  • The training set is used to estimate model parameters.
  • The test set is used to find an independent assessment of model performance.

Do not 🚫 use the test set during training.

Data splitting and spending

The more data
we spend 🤑

the better estimates
we’ll get.

Data splitting and spending

  • Spending too much data in training prevents us from computing a good assessment of predictive performance.
  • Spending too much data in testing prevents us from computing a good estimate of model parameters.

Your turn

When is a good time to split your data?


The testing data is precious 💎

The initial split

taxi_split <- initial_split(taxi)
#> <Training/Testing/Total>
#> <6605/2202/8807>

Accessing the data

taxi_train <- training(taxi_split)
taxi_test <- testing(taxi_split)

The training set

#> # A tibble: 6,605 × 7
#>    tip   distance company                   local dow   month  hour
#>    <fct>    <dbl> <fct>                     <fct> <fct> <fct> <int>
#>  1 yes       4.54 City Service              no    Sat   Mar      16
#>  2 no       10.2  Flash Cab                 no    Mon   Feb       8
#>  3 yes      12.4  other                     no    Sun   Apr      15
#>  4 yes      15.3  Sun Taxi                  no    Mon   Apr      18
#>  5 no        6.41 Flash Cab                 no    Wed   Apr      14
#>  6 yes       1.56 other                     no    Tue   Jan      13
#>  7 yes       3.13 Flash Cab                 no    Sun   Apr      12
#>  8 yes       7.54 other                     no    Tue   Apr       8
#>  9 yes       6.98 Flash Cab                 no    Tue   Apr       5
#> 10 yes       0.7  Taxi Affiliation Services no    Tue   Jan       9
#> # ℹ 6,595 more rows

The test set


There are 2202 rows and 7 columns in the test set.

Your turn

Split your data so 20% is held out for the test set.

Try out different values in set.seed() to see how the results change.


Data splitting and spending

taxi_split <- initial_split(taxi, prop = 0.8)
taxi_train <- training(taxi_split)
taxi_test <- testing(taxi_split)

#> [1] 7045
#> [1] 1762

What about a validation set?

Exploratory data analysis for ML 🧐

Your turn

Explore the taxi_train data on your own!

  • What’s the distribution of the outcome, tip?
  • What’s the distribution of numeric variables like distance?
  • How does tip differ across the categorical variables?

taxi_train %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = tip)) +

taxi_train %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = tip, fill = local)) +
  geom_bar() +
  scale_fill_viridis_d(end = .5)

taxi_train %>% 
  mutate(tip = forcats::fct_rev(tip)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = hour, fill = tip)) +

taxi_train %>% 
  mutate(tip = forcats::fct_rev(tip)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = hour, fill = tip)) +
  geom_bar(position = "fill")

taxi_train %>% 
  mutate(tip = forcats::fct_rev(tip)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = distance)) +
  geom_histogram(bins = 100) +

Split smarter

Stratified sampling would split within response values


Use strata = tip

taxi_split <- initial_split(taxi, prop = 0.8, strata = tip)
#> <Training/Testing/Total>
#> <7045/1762/8807>


Stratification often helps, with very little downside

The whole game - status update